Thursday, May 26, 2011

Life So Far...

Hey peeps!!,its been a long time since i blogged and well,I've been busy with my life affairs lately
and so lack the time to even play a computer game(thats a lie)
Anyhoots~my last exam paper is tomorrow!Yippee!!!!
But I was very dissapointed with my chemistry paper as I think I have done badly..
I guess I have to prepare for a resit..sobs,RM500.00 gone just like that...aih..

By the way..ive been given a JPA scholarship to india!!!And the course given is Medicine!!!wooo hooo
Wait a minute now,and you shall understand my dilemma for the past few weeks...
The country INDIA,is indeed a famous place for people to take up medicine.
Why?Well due to its humoungous death rates,future doctors fly there to learn
how to chop off body parts, because in India,there is an abundance of them(dead bodies).


ot all INDIA has quality medical training..
So far theres only two good universities in india..
ONE=Kasturba Medical Centre,Manipal
TWO=Jaya Nehru,Belgaom

These two unis are the best in quality and also in their environments.Hence,these two places are the most conducive to live in India...

ately our Government has a string of save-money-schemes
So instead of sending me to a quality learning ground,
They might just send me to a new and unheard place..

Neways,will continue later on..take care peeps!!

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